Denomination of Language and Nation in the Works of Slovenian Protestant Writers


  • Andreja Eržen


slovenščina, terminologija, slovnice, jezik, narod, knjižni jezik, protestantski pisci, 16. st., Slovene language, terminology, grammars, language, nation, literary language, Protestant writers, 16th cent.


Research into the denomination of a language and nation is often driven by different intentions, yet mostly the aim is to create an idea through which a neme express certain views. The naiming of a languge and nation is one of the ways of intervening into social conditions. The goal is to compile a corpus of the language and give it a name for the purposes of identification and separation from other languages and nations. As with all others names, the names of languages and nations also provide a categorisation form, and even represent a symbolic value which designates the name as a kind of ambassador carrying a certain message. But what exactly is the message and to whom is it intendes? Modern languages are also a representation of a country's power - what is the scope of such kind of presentation? These are just some of the questions discussed in the paper.



How to Cite

Eržen, A. (2009) “Denomination of Language and Nation in the Works of Slovenian Protestant Writers”, Slavistična revija, 57, pp. 293–303. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).