The Concept of Mono- and/or Plurilingualism (Matija Vlačić Ilirik and Primož Trubar)


  • Anita Peti-Stantić


večjezičnost, slovenski protestanti, hrvaški protestanti, 16. st., multilingualism, Slovene Protestants, Croatian Protestants, 16th cent.


The article poses some theoretical questions about the concept of mono- and plurilingualism. It goes on to examine the role of Matija Vlačić Ilirik who initated the consideration of this concept in establishing vernaculars as languages appropriate for literary use. In this context, based on the text, the author examines one of the most significant questions posed by Vlačić, i.e., the legitimacy of the vernacular as literary language and the possibility of understanding a text compiled in another language and another area.



How to Cite

Peti-Stantić, A. (2009) “The Concept of Mono- and/or Plurilingualism (Matija Vlačić Ilirik and Primož Trubar)”, Slavistična revija, 57, pp. 371–379. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).