Primož Trubar and Jurij Dalmatin as Translators from Jernej Kopitar’s Viewpoint


  • Jochen Raecke


slovenščina, prevodi v slovenščino, protestantski pisci, prevajanje, 16. st., Slovenian language, protestant writers, translating, 16th cent.


The article shows that Kopitar on the one hand recognized Trubar and Dalmatin as being the first people to write in Slovene, but on the other hand he critized the way in which they wrote. He described their translations as a mixture of German and Slovene words. With this statement he relealed that he did not understand why Trubar and Dalmatin transled into Slovene in the first place. They did not translate in order to show that Slovenes had their own language, but in order to faciliate undestanding, so that people could find slavation.




How to Cite

Raecke, J. (2009) “Primož Trubar and Jurij Dalmatin as Translators from Jernej Kopitar’s Viewpoint”, Slavistična revija, 57, pp. 381–394. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).