Literature in the Light of Media-Oriented Systemic Theory


  • Urška Perenič


literarna teorija, empirična literarna znanost, medijsko orientirana sistemska teorija literature, konstruktivistično pojmovanje medija, vsebinska analiza, tematsko kodiranje, theory of literature, empirical literary criticism, media-oriented systemic theory of literature, constructive understanding of the medium, content analysis, thematic coding


A media-oriented systemic tretment of literature offers a satisfactory answer to the question how it is possible in literary research to resolve the gap between essentialism and relativism and to include various aspects of literature. In order to capture the aesthetic and socio-historical dimension of literature, it is first necessary to define the protagonists of literary action and the text. Of key relevance is also concept of the medium, which includes semiotic communicative instruments, tehchnologies, social institutions with the influence of economic, legal, political ideological, cultural and other systems. On this basis, the author proposes a concrete content analysis, which is supported to define the relationship between the text and the context.



How to Cite

Perenič, U. (2009) “Literature in the Light of Media-Oriented Systemic Theory”, Slavistična revija, 57(4), pp. 511–524. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

