Short Narrative Prose in the First Decade of the 20th c. (Excluding Cankar)
slovenska književnost, kratka pripovedna proza, literarne študije, začetek 20. st.Abstract
The paper presents the production of short prose in the first decade of the 20th c., but without analyzing Cankar's share of this prose. At the time a sizable number of authors wrote short prose. However, with a few exceptions (e.g., Meško, to some extent Kveder), they did not seek the solutions in innovating upon the short prose model following Cankar's example, but in most cases stayed with the variants of traditional short prose writing and form.Downloads
How to Cite
KOCIJAN, G. (1997) “Short Narrative Prose in the First Decade of the 20th c. (Excluding Cankar)”, Slavistična revija, 45(1-2), pp. 9–38. Available at: (Accessed: 24 November 2024).
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