Pojem književne tradicije v znanosti o književnosti


  • Pogačnik Jože


The study treats the semantics of the concept of tradition, the phenomenon on which literary criticism is founded. To reveal the characteristics of tradition the appropriate biological discoveries are surveyed (a polymorphous view of human personality), which facilitate the unification of certain aspects of linguistics and culture studies. Among more modern techniques the intertextual approach is particularly emphasized. New artistic texts arise andare received in the contexr or against the background of a particular literary tradition that determines its sense and meaning. Elements of tradition are constantly actualized and integrated in a new conceptual context with the aid of language. Thus it is "the moment" that determines tradition, and it is "the moment" that is possible to determine for each author and each literature.



How to Cite

Jože, P. (1993) “Pojem književne tradicije v znanosti o književnosti”, Slavistična revija, 41(1), pp. 55–64. Available at: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-4728324 (Accessed: 9 September 2024).



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