New Directions in Speech Research with a View to the Past


  • Hotimir Tivadar


slovenščina, fonetika, pravorečje, govor, slovenska družba, Slovenian language, phonetics, orthoepy, speech, Slovene society


With the development and creation of the Slovene state and mass media,speech research has gained prominence, yet it has also largely remained grounded in teaching of orthoepy and determinig of proper literary pronunciation, whic his still often based on assumptions and individuals' phonetic intuition. A multitude of spoken media requires expanded speech research and a quality, comprehensive phonetic/phonological description of language. At the fore front of this effort is the special mission of the national radio and university graduates (AGRFT, Faculty of Arts, FDV), which eventually influencesecondary schools and the media. The growing number of researchers in the third millennium indicates a prolific growth of speech research. The paper emphasizes the urgency to direct this research towards the analysis of realistic standard speech of an all-Slovene character.



How to Cite

Tivadar, H. (2012) “New Directions in Speech Research with a View to the Past”, Slavistična revija, 60(4), pp. 587–602. Available at: (Accessed: 18 July 2024).

