On Transformation of the Subject in Contemporary Poetry (Zbigniew Herbert and Rudolf Jurolek)


  • Marián Milčák


poljska književnost, poljska poezija, poljski pesniki, slovaška književnost, slovaška poezija, slovaški pesniki, lirski subjekt, hipostazirani subjekt, literarne študije, primerjalne študije


In an effort to defamiliarize the poetic text, poets in various literatures use a procedure that is a substantial transformation of the conventional lyrical subject "I" to the so-called "hypostatized subject". This new form of the poetic subject is a predominant feature of broader epicizing tendencies that cross borders of national literatures and enrich authorial poetics. However, a poetic text with the hypostatized subject cannot be perceived only as a shift from the conventional lyrical subject that is an end in itself. Most authors use it not only as a mythological but also a social and historical reflection of a human personal subject that was failed by history. It is an attempt at a marked and distinctive artistic rendering of human destiny that is embedded to a lesser (Zbigniew Herbert) or greater (Ted Hughes) degree in a particular historical context.



How to Cite

Milčák, M. (2015) “On Transformation of the Subject in Contemporary Poetry (Zbigniew Herbert and Rudolf Jurolek)”, Slavistična revija, 63(3), pp. 327–338. Available at: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-59138658 (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

