The Expected Paradoxes in the Last Poem of Gabriel Derzhavin “Time’s River”
ruska književnost, ruska poezija, predsmrtna pesem, srednjeveško zgodovinopisje, besedna formula, 19. st., Russian literature, Russian poetry, medieval historiography, literary formula, 19th centuryAbstract
The paper demonstrates the connection between the structure and the content of the last poem of Gabriel Derzhavin and its formula dating back to the works of Herodotus. This formula was used on a regular basis in historiographical and didactic works as well as in legal texts of the Middle Ages and the early Modern period. It was especially consistently used in wills, which is highlighted in Derzhavin's poem Reka vremen ("Time's river").Downloads
How to Cite
Литвина [Anna Litvina] А. and Успенский [Fjodor Uspenski] Ф. (2016) “The Expected Paradoxes in the Last Poem of Gabriel Derzhavin ‘Time’s River’”, Slavistična revija, 64(1), pp. 47–60. Available at: (Accessed: 2 December 2024).
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