Psycholinguistic Aspects of Processing Slovenian Relative Clauses


  • Matic Pavlič Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
  • Arthur Stepanov Center za kognitivne znanosti jezika Univerze v Novi Gorici


psycholinguistics, sentence comprehension, self-paced reading, relative clauses, Slovenian


A central aim of modern psycholinguistic research on sentence comprehension is to discover the nature of cognitive constraints that govern the deployment of syntactic knowledge in real time. Processing of object relative clauses is more difficult than processing of subject relative clauses and processing centre-embedded structures is more difficult than processing right-peripheral ones. Both difficulties were identified in the performance of Slovenian speakers using the method of self-paced reading, whereby a participant reads a sentence one word at a time on a computer screen by pressing a button. This study for the first time explores the subject versus object relative clause asymmetry and centre-embedded versus right-peripheral relative clause asymmetry in Slovenian.


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How to Cite

Pavlič, M. and Stepanov, A. (2020) “Psycholinguistic Aspects of Processing Slovenian Relative Clauses”, Slavistična revija, 68(4), pp. 543–561. Available at: (Accessed: 18 July 2024).

