Matej Sović and His Latin Translation of Meletij Smotrickij’s Old Church Slavic Grammar of 1773
stara cerkvena slovanščina, slovnice, prevodi, transkripcija, korespondenca, 17.-18. st., Old Church Slavic, grammars, translations, transcription, correspondence, 17th-18th centuryAbstract
The author surveys a part of Zois's papers in the Manuscript section of the National and University Library in Ljubljana, i.e., three interrelated manuscripts: Sović's Latin translation of Meletij Smotrickij's Grammatiki Slavenskija pravilnoe Sintagma (1619) of 1773 and two fascicles of Sović's correspondence with the Italian Alberto Fortis. In the first, most important, manuscript - the Latin translation and taranscription of the Old Church Slavic text - the author finds a connection with the first edition of the Old Church Slavic grammar of 1619 or, rather, with the revised Moscow version of the grammar from 1684.Downloads
How to Cite
BABIČ, V. (2008) “Matej Sović and His Latin Translation of Meletij Smotrickij’s Old Church Slavic Grammar of 1773”, Slavistična revija, 56, pp. 45–46. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2025).
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