An Analysis of Metaphorical Collocations in Croatian Based on Examples of Nouns Denoting Action




metaphorical collocations, phraseological approach, corpus research, conceptualization


The article presents an analysis of collocations, which are called metaphorical collocations in line with the terminology used by researchers of German phraseology, and which represent a specific semantic subgroup of lexical collocations composed of (at least) two self-signifiers in which one component is used in a figurative sense. It is assumed that the transfer of meaning influenced semantic cohesiveness between the components of the collocational bond and con- tributed to the selection restrictions in collocational agreement, which is why, from a synchronic perspective, we perceive the collocational bond as a common and default word bond. The article seeks insights into the patterns on which collocation formation is founded based on an analysis of metaphorical collocations whose components are nouns that denote action, semantically and pragmatically, with the help of the theory of conceptual metaphor. The research is part of an extensive corpus research aimed at creating a descriptive model of metaphorical collocations and gaining new knowledge about the laws of collocational agreement


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How to Cite

Košuta, N. (2024) “An Analysis of Metaphorical Collocations in Croatian Based on Examples of Nouns Denoting Action”, Slavistična revija, 72(2), pp. 167–179. doi: 10.57589/srl.v72i2.4184.

